Archive for ‘Observed on the Street’

July 28, 2017

Observed on the street: Pillow talk

If pillows could talk, what would they say?

“Do more of what makes you happy.” Good words to lay your head upon and dream.

January 31, 2017

Observed on the street: Dysfunctional blue box

I did a double take — then had a good chuckle — when I saw this blue recycling box in the lobby of my local city hall. 😉


Either the janitor is on strike or the building repair man has a sense of humour!

October 20, 2015

Observed on the street: time for a change

I found this little sign in a gift shop in Smithers, British Columbia:


Time changes everything. Does it? And if so, how? Is the secret in the simple fact that “time heals,” or does the passing of time allow us to gain a better perspective on life, loss, value and what really matters in the long run?

Time changes everything. I want to believe that it will, but I’m looking for the proof.

August 31, 2015

Observed on the street: A little G.O.O.D. advice

I came across this wonderful quote outside the Alternative Grounds Coffee and Tea House in Burns Lake, British Columbia:



Never give up, because F.A.I.L. means “First Attempt in Learning.”
END is not the end; in fact, E.N.D. means “Effort Never Dies.”
If you get NO as an answer, just remember, N.O. means “Next Opportunity.”
Be positive! 🙂

July 30, 2015

Observed on the street: One “sharp” Thule

Or should I say “shark” Thule? 🙂 Gotta admire this person’s creativity!

Photo of car with "shark-adorned" Thule roof rack.

July 28, 2015

Observed on the street: low-stress zone

Every one needs a break once in a while. I found this “low stress zone” in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Photo of city sign reading "low stress zone"

January 9, 2015

Observed on the street: Winter traffic signs in Canada

I encountered this barely visible stop sign in the parking lot of a grocery store in northern British Columbia.


October 17, 2014

Observed on the street: You are here

Here was a great place to be at the moment I was there. Anyone know where this is?

You Are Here


October 8, 2014

Observed on the street: It’s all about balance

“It’s all about balance.” I saw this scene at English Bay in Vancouver, British Columbia:


What’s true in making balanced-rock sculptures is also true in life.

Balance is an art. Achieving balance requires patience and perseverance and a willingness to try and try again, even when things come tumbling down. Balance is a gift to enjoy while you have it. Balance is a mysterious and elusive force — one that often seems to defy the laws of the world around you. Balance (when you find it, or it finds you) makes everything around you beautiful.

September 29, 2014

Observed on the street: How we tow cars in a resource-based town

The car wouldn’t start, so . . .


I saw this rather unique car removal strategy — or is it just a creative parking job? — in my northern British Columbia neighbourhood. 🙂